25 February, 2011

memory lane

I call this poem which I wrote some days back as -'memory lane' . Here it goes....

I dont give you the right to hurt me
When I am no-one to you
Why should I be hurt by the things you do
For I know I have been insane
In love for you
Jump out of my memory lane
But you never understood
What you meant to me .

Life's been harsh on me
Same like the way you treated me
It was my fault for sure
For you were always obscure
Jump out of my memory lane
I can no longer bear the pain
But you never understood
How much you meant to me.

Sometimes I feel misunderstood
For I did all what I could
I am trying... but still feel the pain
Please jump out of my memory lane
Let my efforts not go in vain
Let me start living again
Because you never understood
How much your love mattered to me .


ANEESH said...

Whoa!!! Rani.. Whats this all about?

Unknown said...

just a poem which i composed few days back.... thats all... :)

Shantanu said...

Hey.. you should write more often.. seriously, this was really good